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Roberto Bruggemann
Roberto BruggemannCTO and co-founder
New in Lune: Add instant emissions visibility to your logistics platform in less than an hour
Freight Forwarders need to integrate green logistics solutions to stay competitive, but they don’t have the resources. Until now. January 27, 2025
Preview of shipment booking flow sorted by lowest emissions

Countries have set new, more ambitious emission reduction targets (NDCs), and more aggressive targets are set to follow next year. The result is tighter regulation and greater pressure on businesses to decarbonise. And they’re turning to their partners for help. 

For many, slashing logistics and transport emissions is low-hanging fruit. Over five years, investor pressure to improve supply chain sustainability has grown by 25%, making it the fastest-growing driver of sustainability efforts. Forward-thinking freight forwarders, such as JAS Worldwide and Forto, have woken up to this and are acquiring and retaining customers by helping them make green decisions. 

However, many Freight Forwarders and Transport Management Systems (TMS) lack the resources to add emissions visibility to their products. Their product managers are juggling too many new features, and their developers lack the time to code changes. The result is lost customers, missed revenue opportunities, and competitive disadvantage.

For sustainable logistics to go beyond the early adopters and become mainstream, logistics companies need to get going significantly easier and faster. This is why Lune has launched the industry’s first emission estimates widget. 

Preview of freight forwarding booking platform with emissions visibility

The quickest way to add emissions visibility to your platform

The first of a suite of widgets, the new emission estimates widget helps any logistics platform grow customer value by giving them instant visibility into their shipment emissions. This low-code solution means Lune’s customers will not need to take the time to integrate Lune's API.

It’s a simple block of UI that supports greener decision-making. And it can be easily added to any shipment booking page in less than an hour. Using shipment data featured on the webpage, Lune’s industry-leading calculation methodology is used to forecast emissions.

Lune's emission calculation methodology is anchored in the world-renowned GLEC Framework, ensuring accuracy and reliability. Audited and accredited by the Smart Freight Centre, and compliant with ISO 14083, Lune’s robust calculations inform effective decision-making. 

End-users can now weigh emissions alongside cost and time when booking shipments. The fully auditable emissions estimate can also be seamlessly added to ESG reports, saving time and boosting credibility.

Step-by-step guide on how to add emissions visibility widget into logistics platforms

A little code, a lot of value

Demand for green logistics is snowballing. Logistics companies that act fast will benefit the most, and Lune’s logistics emission estimates widget means you can start capturing demand in less than an hour. That’s 10x quicker than implementation used to be. 

One hour. 

In the same amount of time, you could:

  • Take your lunch break 
  • Host a sales forecasting call 
  • Write a LinkedIn post

Or you could do your bit for the planet by requesting a demo today.

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