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Olivia Howlett
Olivia HowlettMarketing Manager
Circula partners with Lune to unlock scope 3 emission reporting for SMEs
Circula already makes expense management simple for SMEs; now Cirucla also makes carbon accounting simple for SMEs. Circula’s customers now have visibility into their business spend emissions through Lune’s API.June 3, 2024
Circula already makes expense management simple for SMEs; now Cirucla also makes carbon accounting simple for SMEs. Circula’s customers now have visibility into their business spend emissions through Lune’s API.

Scope 3 emissions. If you ask any sustainability lead what’s keeping them up at night, this is what they’ll tell you. That’s why Circula is partnering with Lune. Together, we’re making scope 3 emission reporting effortless for every company.

Why are scope 3 emissions a headache?

Scope 3 emissions are all the indirect emissions created by a company’s value chain. Disclosing these emissions is required by the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. A directive that now affects 50,000 companies, and indirectly all their suppliers.

Spanning over 15 different categories, from sourcing raw materials to business spending, scope 3 emissions are paralysingly difficult to measure. Yet, reducing them is essential. Why? Because scope 3 can make up 90% of a company’s total emissions.

Scope 1, 2, and 3 categories

How SMEs are measuring scope 3 emissions with Circula’s expense management platform

A major challenge, like measuring scope 3 emissions, is resource-intensive. This makes it inaccessible to many mid-market companies that simply don’t have the resources or dedicated expertise to measure emissions. 

Until now. 

Circula is the expense management platform for forward-thinking SMEs. By fusing Circula’s business spend data and Lune’s emission calculation technology, every company can measure, and report emissions effortlessly. 

Launching the new feature was quick and easy thanks to Lune’s rapid and reliable responses. Circula chose them for its superior API and customer support, which minimised engineering resources and maximised customer value.

Measuring scope 3 emissions is paralysingly difficult. Many companies don’t have the resources required to decipher them. By partnering with Lune we can make measuring scope 3 emissions quick, easy, and effortless.
Nikolai Skatchkov
Nikolai SkatchkovCo-founder and CEO of Circula

Circula already makes expense management simple for SMEs; now Cirucla also makes carbon accounting simple for SMEs. Circula’s customers now have visibility into their business spend emissions through Lune’s API. 

Circula customers can now request carbon emissions data for sustainability reporting, and pinpoint emission hotspots to inform decarbonisation strategies

For too long we’ve been using the planet to expense emissions. By embedding climate action into its platform, Circula empowers SMEs to join the race to net zero. To win, we need every company to become a climate company, so we’re delighted to partner with Circula to help climate-align SMEs.
Erik Stadigh
Erik StadighCo-founder and CEO of Lune

Start expensing emissions

To learn more about how you can climate-align expense management, download our free guide: Planet and profit: The secret advantage of business spend.

Free guide: Planet and profit: The secret advantage of business spend
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