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Olivia Howlett
Olivia HowlettMarketing Manager
Webinar: Meeting corporate sustainability targets using smart travel management with Zoho Expense
Satheesh Kannan, from our partner Zoho Expense, will be joining Erik Stadigh, co-founder and CEO of Lune to share tips on how to make informed decisions for a sustainable future, followed by an interactive Q&A session to address your questions.June 17, 2024
Webinar: Meeting corporate sustainability targets using smart travel management with Zoho Expense

Did you know that flights account for 90% of all business travel? For companies needing to measure, report, and rapidly decarbonise their emissions, business travel is the place to start. This is why we’ll be joining Lune partner, Zoho Expense, to share how businesses can decarbonise travel. 

Webinar: Get insights on the new trends shaping sustainable business travel

Why do we need to decarbonise business travel?

Climate change puts our world at risk. To prevent the worst impacts of climate change, governments worldwide have committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions so that global warming is limited to 1.5°C. 

The pressure is on businesses to decarbonise their entire value chain, including business travel. But can only manage what you can measure.

Measuring emissions

If we want to reach net zero emissions, we must first measure them. This is why over 50,000 businesses must measure and report their direct and indirect emissions. These emissions are categorised by the GHG protocol into scope 1, 2, and 3. Business travel sits in scope 3.

Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions
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If emissions reporting is causing headaches for companies worldwide, then scope 3 emission reporting is causing migraines. Why? Because scope 3 is complex, fragmented, and vast — sometimes accounting for up to 90% of a company’s carbon footprint!

To reach net zero, businesses must decarbonise scope 3 emissions — fast. This makes greening business travel the perfect place to start. 

How to make business travel more sustainable

Of course, the most sustainable travel is travel that doesn’t occur at all. If only it were that simple.

Many presumed the pandemic put business travel to bed. However, despite video conferencing, emailing, and instant messaging, business travel is back. It seems a physical handshake is irreplaceable.

Deloitte business travel expected to surpass pre-pandemic levels

If business travel is business-as-usual, corporations must measure travel emissions and use these insights to inform decarbonisation strategies. It’s a difficult task. Even where you sit on a flight affects your carbon footprint! If you fly business class, your seat takes up more space so accounts for a larger proportion of the flights total emissions.

A business class seat emits as much as 2.7 economy seats

However, many have never considered that their expense management solution could support them. This is why we’re joining our partner Zoho Expense to share how.

Zoho Expense provides travel and expense management for growing businesses. By partnering with Lune, its customers can now see the carbon emissions created by their business travel.

Webinar: The new trends shaping up sustainable business travel

Satheesh Kannan, from our partner Zoho Expense, will be joining Erik Stadigh, co-founder and CEO of Lune to share tips on how to make informed decisions for a sustainable future, followed by an interactive Q&A session to address your questions.

To get more insights into the latest sustainable business travel trends shaping up sustainable business travel, register for the webinar: Meeting corporate sustainability targets using smart travel management.

Webinar: Meeting corporate sustainability targets using smart travel management with Zoho Expense
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